Pascal Viscardi Costiera EP
Genre: House

Pascal Viscardi - Costiera EP

Traxx Underground

Release Date: 19/10/2016

Cat No: TULTD004

Format: Vinyl


  • costiera
  • late night call
  • kasai
  • korean bbq

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More about Costiera EP

Traxx Underground released Costiera EP on Wed Oct 19 2016. The 4 track House release features Pascal Viscardi.

Traxx Underground has released vinyl by Four Walls, Kool Vibe, Mike Sharon, Samann, Wil Maddams, DJ Nav, Enrico Mantini, Nys Finest, Orazio Fantini, The Groove Victim, The Nathaniel X Project, Steven Wobblejay, DJ Steaw, Pascal Viscardi, and Siggatunez.

People who like Costiera EP also listen to Natural stepper, Born Bjorg, Pierre Lautomne, DJ Pascal, Techno, Dub, Tanner Ross, Beatport, Nathan Swiss, and Plant43.